Dr. William Kirker, and a patient with amputeated legs
KAMRA is dedicated to the relief of pain, suffering and illnesses on the Continent of Africa, by providing those less fortunate, and in need of our assistance, with modern medical care and services.
KAMRA equally dedicates itself to providing educational opportunities in Africa to those without any present chance at schooling with modern learning centers. These centers provide buildings, teachers, computers, books, pencils, paper, recreational equipment, supplies and materials of all kinds, necessary to the needs of running a modern learning institution.
The KIRKER AFRICAN MEDICAL RELIEF ASSOCIATION works to improve the quality of life in Africa through good health and education.
KAMRA works in collaboration with governments, individuals and charities in the United States, Canada, Africa and elsewhere to achieve its goals. Some helping us are MAP INTERNATIONAL, MEDSHARE, VITAMUNITY CANADA, PENCILS FOR KIDS, BOOKS FOR AFRICA, USAID, THE UNITED STATES CULTURAL CENTER in Niamey, Niger and others.